Blade & Soul Revolution is the mobile adaptation of the popular Korean MMORPG Blade & Soul, a game from NCSOFT, the studio responsible for other renowned MMORPGs including Lineage 2 and Aion. In this case, the game has also been specifically developed for mobile devices, with all this entails.
Before you start playing Blade & Soul Revolution, you can create your avatar. And for this, you'll find a wide range of possibilities. You can choose between several completely different character classes, and of course, you can customize the look of your character however you want, choosing from dozens of faces, body types, hairstyles, outfits, etc.
As usual for the genre, the controls in Blade & Soul Revolution are partially automatic. This means that you can tap on the mission that you have to complete and your character will automatically carry it out, whatever it may be. Although you can also directly control your character and fight manually, if you prefer. Best of all, the combats are spectacular with fluid animations and colorful magic effects.
Blade & Soul Revolution is an outstanding MMORPG in every respect. One of the best things about the game, without a doubt, is the fantastic graphics; but that's definitely not the only great thing the game has to offer. The story, characters and settings are also equally impressive.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
If the game could also be set to German as stated (48 languages, including German, but none found), then it would receive a higher rating.
it crashes a lot and sometimes goes black, it lacks more optimization investment from the developers.